Actress. visual artist. effervescent and ever extra.
CasualBlerdist is an oxymoron. As the owner of a 9-5, one would assume my interest in the arts are a passing one. It’s also quite common in nerd culture to call those with less time spent actively participating a “Casual”. Well, I can assure you, the only thing remotely casual about Courtney D. Love is my preferred style of dress. My passion for the arts fuses into my love for gaming and anime culture through visual and performance art. My goal is to inspire those who see my work to pursue their passions, despite what society tells them. You can be artist with a full time job. You can still beat that game on the hardest difficulty with a busy lifestyle. I want to turn the word “casual” on its head and shatter the preconceived notions of what someone’s life should or would be like. Hey, I just want to create amazing art, inspire others, beat that boss I’ve been stuck on forever and have 7 steady streams of income. Is that too much to ask?